Implement Traffic Control Plans
Implement Traffic Control Plans (setting-up worksites). This qualification is for those who are required to set up Traffic Control Worksites with Traffic Control Plans (TCP) This Course is delivered over 2 days.
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Included in cost: Theory & Practical Training Assessment SafeWork NSW Registration SafeWork NSW SOC Certificate Traffic Control Cards Live Site Assessment $130.00 Breakfast, Snacks & Refreshments
This training program includes the following nationally recognised skill sets:
RIISS00041- Implement Traffic Control Plans Skill Set (setting-up worksites)
This training program includes the following nationally recognised skill set:
- RIISS00041 Implement traffic control plans skill set
Implement Traffic Control Plans
This qualification is for those who are required to set up a Traffic Guidance Schemes (TGS) also known as a Traffic Control Plans (TCP) in accordance with approved Traffic Management Plans.
Awards Issued
Students who successfully complete this nationally recognised training will be awarded:
An SafeWork.NSW Statement of Completion (SOC) certificate which allows them to work in the Traffic Control Industry immediately whilst waiting for final assessment which will be conducted in a live environment
Students who successfully complete the live assessment will be awarded the statement of attainment for the following skills sets:
RIIWHS201D Work Safely follow WHS policies and work procedures
RIICOM201D Communicate in the workplace
RIIWHS302D Implement traffic management plan
The Statement of Attainment (SOA) is required for an application that we submit to the SafeWork NSW.
- 100 points Identification
- 100pt ID Checklist
- 17 Years of Age
- Before enrolling all candidates must have a Unique Student Identifier number (USI) (If you don't have one, Create USI here )
- An appropriate understanding of both written and spoken English
The skills and competencies to be gained for the Implement Traffic Control Plan qualification:
Carry out risk assessments for personal safety
Understanding how to participate in toolbox talks
Understand traffic control policy and procedures
Use the site/ location assessment, distinguish topographical landmarks and carry out authorised risk controls
Know basic functions of the Traffic Guidance Scheme / Traffic Control Plan (TGS/TCP)
Able to interpret various types of plans
Understand and make changes to (TGS/TCP) to suit the specific road and work environment
Understand how to measure distances and recognise the different types of measuring devices
Identify and select the correct types of signs and traffic control devices in line with a TGS/ TCP scheme
Install and remove signs and traffic control devices is in line with a TGS/TCP
Maintain after-hours signage
Understand how speed, environment, type and class of vehicles, traffic density, sight lines, environmental conditions can affect the worksite
Implement a temporary TGS/TCP for emergency or unplanned works, or in-line with pre-approved generic plans or diagrams.
Plan for emergencies that may arise
Understanding the various communication methods and communication devices i.e. two-way radios
SafeWork.NSW assessment requirements state that the participant must be assessed on three (3) live projects.
These requirements are conducted and inclusive in the fee for service.
Book a Combo Package and Save!
Save $130 when you book on both the Traffic Controller and Implement TC Plans courses.